Shoyoroku - Case 55: Seppo in Charge of Cooking [1] Seppo came to Tokusan and became in charge of cooking food. One day, the lunch was late. Tokusan came down to the hall carrying his bowls. Seppo said, "Old Master, the bell has not yet rung nor the drum sounded. Where are you going with your bowls?" Thereupon Tokusan went back to his room. Seppo told this to Ganto. Ganto said, "Great Tokusan though he is, he has not yet realized the last word." Hearing of this, Tokusan sent his attendant to summon Ganto and then asked him, "Don't you approve of this old monk?" Ganto whispered his intention. Tokusan remained silent. Sure enough, the next day, when Tokusan ascended the rostrum, his talk was quite different from usual. Ganto, rubbing his hands together, laughed and said, "Wonderful! How happy I am that our Old Man has realized the last word. From now on he'll be subject to no one on earth." [1]: see case 13 of Mumonkan.